
Data Communication Systems Integrated ERP-CRM & Digital Marketing

Data Communication Systems Ε.Π.Ε.

Returns Policy

Return products with charge of Data Communication Systems Ltd. can be made in all cases where the order is executed incorrectly, ie in case of delivery goods others than those ordered (type or amount) or if upon delivery the goods have damaged packaging, wholly or in the greater part or in case the delivered goods were found to be defective.

In this case, the customer must either not accept receipt of the products from the beginning, or ask for a refund, after agreement with Data Communication Systems Ltd. Products must be returned in the condition received by the customer.

For all cases, the return of the product should be done with all the documents accompanying the product (eg Receipt etc.) and the full package.

In case of refund, and provided that they have previously received and checked from Data Communication Systems Ltd., the refund to the customer will be made by canceling the credit card billing (if order has been made by credit card) or by cash refund (if the order is made by depositing cash in a bank account).

If goods are returned damaged or incomplete, Data Communication Systems Ltd. has the right to request compensation from the client, the amount of which will be determined by the condition of the goods.

Any other type of return than the above mentioned, will not be accepted.